X Asit Prince Mahato

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Electronic Components of Mobile Phone and Their Function⚒smal s parts

Electronic Components of Mobile Phone and Their Function⚒smal s parts

By:--- AsiT KuMar MahaTo
Capacitor:-3 type of capacitor are found in a mobile phone

 🔘Non-Electrotylic Capacitor:- it is found in any section of a mobile phone.its heighit is little more than chip resistance.it can be of gray. Yellow or brown in colour.it has no positive (+) or negative (-)side.it fillter DC current.

🔘 Electrolytic Capacitor:- it is found in any section of a mobile phone.its size is larger than Non-Electrotylic Capacitor.it is found in 2colour - orange with strip. and black with white strip.the side with strippositistr (+)and the ather side is negative (-) it fillter and stores current.

🔘 Network Capacitor:- it is found in any section of a mobile phone.it is made from 2 or more Electrolytic Capacitor.

🔴Coupler:- this electronic components is found in the network section of a mobile phone.it is either black or white colour and has 6pins ben inside.

 Function:- it fillter network

 Fault:- if the coupler is faulty the there will be no network in the mobile phone.

Bost Coil:- its size is the little bigger than coil it is found in black colour and looks like a larg botton it function is to increase corrent if this coil get damged than it has to be changed.
Coil:-it is found in any section of a mobile phone.it is found in many shapes and size .coil are found in 2 colour black and White, blue and white.it fillter and decrease current and voltage.

🔹Diode are 4types 

1. Rectifier diode:- it is found in black colour and convert AC current to DC current.it passes current it one direction.it
doesnot passe current in reverse direction 

2.Led diode:- it is found in White or light yellow colour and emits light.

3. Zener diode:- it is found is changing section.it fillter and minimize current passes forward.it acts as voltage regulator zener diode has fixed copacity like -4V,6V,8V etc.

4. Photo diode :- it is used for infared it coptures infared rays.

           ▶There 2 of  resistance on the PCB of a..

1. Chip resistance:- it can be found in any section of a mobile phone it is of block colour in
 same sets .it is also found in blue and green colour.it is the smallest electronic components an the PCB of a mobile phone.it decrease current and passes forward.

2. Network resistance:- it can be found in any section of a mobile phone it is a mode from 2 or more chip resistance.

             ▶ This electronic components is found in any section of a mobile phone.it is of black colour and it has 3 legs.it does the work of switching.

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